Simple Writing About Social Media
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I would say that social repression is real in my recent condition. It was not the very difficult situation, but I might say that this is the very first time I got stuck in other's people opinion.
I barely say it's all because of social media, in my case is Instagram. Instead of saying that Instagram has given the bad effect, or more generally social media has given the user a depressive symptoms, or trigger a sadness and less well-being, I would like to share some of my opinion about the attitude on social media.
1) Post whatever makes you feel happy and content
Today we never really know why we're open the social media. And also we cannot decide, whether the post we made is making us happy or not. It's all because social media is a part of our life so that makes we do the-social-media-thing unconsciously, like when we are speaking. So, you better to start thinking about it, does your post makes you feel content?
2) Share It, Do Not Tell
Share your story, do not tell. Should you know the concept of room-sharing? Yup, sharing is to share something with someone else. Meanwhile, based on Oxford Dictionaries, tell is communicate information to someone in spoken or written words. These two things are totally different. Now you can rethink about the posts you made. Do you share your story? Or you tell other people the story?
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3) Create and post, rather than drift and lost
Maybe you have to apply the rules, post just when you create something. You can create anything essays, illustrations, or blog posts. Like Austin Kelon's book: Show Your Work! But, be careful for not making it into a trash because posting too many posts. I think it would be better rather than you just scrolling through the social media and get lost.
4) Visit social media for some purposes
Just open your social media for some purposes. For example, you need to see the red carpet of Golden Globe Award. You need to know whether the cafes open or not, etc. You open your social media just for some purposes.
Well, I'm starting to try it though.
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