For the last few months, I got into some cool activities where I could not imagine will be happened in my life. I am truly grateful I could get the chances to get involved. These activities make me really tired but also really loving all the time I spent on. I wish I will get another chance in the future! I will share the stories from the recent until the past events.

Who knew I could be the participant of photography workshop and became one of the exhibitors in the photography exhibition?

Well, it happened recently.

I submitted my submission to SayaBercerita maybe 4 hours before the due. Just because, you know, procrastination at its best. Never thought I'll be accepted because I really never ever have any experiences, photography-wise.

What makes me still submitted the submission anyway because the workshop contains Cerita in its name. Literally means story. And because I love to hear and make one, why not give it a shot?

Unexpectedly, submission accepted. 

First time meeting was a bit awkward because we are all not knowing each other at all and also was very exhaustive because the meeting was probably about 5 hours straight! I'm an introvert. For me, meeting new people need a lot of energy. But, even if I felt exhausted, I also feel inspired.

The process, obviously, not smooth at all. I felt a little bit low at that time. And also, procrastinating is always there, right?

However, I tried to make it work until the very last day. I chose the diary and hand-writing concept for my exhibition. I wrote all the narrations in every photo by hand. Like I said, not the smoothest process especially because I never have experience in photography and writing. I have to synchronize every word I choose to be able to suits the photo as well. And above all that, I'm not a visual person. 

But, I'm pretty proud of myself. 

My exhibitions called "Setiap Rasa Punya Cerita, Setiap Cerita Punya Rasa." It is roughly translated as every photo has its own story.  
Still related to photography, I wanted to try I've never been done before: photo hunting. 

The photography workshop really made me think differently about photography. It does give me some changes in my point of view (shout out to Mas Vifick, the mentor!). So, I decided, why not try "hunting" some photos? With one of my friend, I went to Pasar Badung.

This activity just for fun, no serious business included. We started our photo hunting with a sip of coffee at the old authentic coffee shop, Bangka Jaya. I didn't take many photos there (not yet a visual person). The coffee was good and also the ambiance was incredible. Then, we continue our journey to the next place, Tipat Tahu!

Haha, I know. This section's title is photo hunting, but in fact, I filled this section with a mouthful story of coffee and Tipat Tahu.

What I wanna say is, that was a great experience. I never have the encouragement to take photos of other people, of some situation (maybe still up until now). But, at least, I tried. Also, I can feel the fulfillment whenever I see the result. That feeling was great. 

I included this activity in this post because even though it was a simple activity but the impact of it was real. I can feel it until now.

Maybe I will do it again next time. For sure.
What would come to your mind if I say Sign Language Interpreter?

In Bahasa, we called it Juru Bahasa Isyarat (JBI). The simplest way to explain to you that not know this thing yet is: when you watch the news in television (RCTI, SCTV, or something like that) you will see the little box in the right corner moves their hands simultaneously. That is JBI. Or another simple way, JBI is someone who interprets the Sign Langauge into spoken language and vice versa. 

Being an interpreter is a new activity for me.  It all began when I took Sign Language courses at the beginning of this year. That's where I started to help my Deaf friends to be their interpreter. And I also sort of being part of the volunteer community of JBI.

It is challenging to be an interpreter. You need to be able to switch one language into another language. This is even more challenging because Indonesia still doesn't have the standardization for Sign Language interpreters. 

This basically what's the event all about. JBI from a different region gathered in here. We had a great discussion about JBI-topic related and also there was a presentation from a great expert in the Sign Language field. 

The National Meeting of Sign Language Interpreter held officially for 3 days. The chances to meet new friends and to got the information that I think I won't get it anywhere else is so precious.

I was tired and exhausted. But again, it was an incredible experience!

Still related to Sign Language, in this event, I was the JBI for Putra/Putri Tuli Bali.

This event was a beauty pageant that held for young-talented Bali Deaf people. I would say, this event was the most exhausting because I was "on duty" the whole time. "On duty" also means I have to stand up all the time. I think that's the reason why I felt so exhausted. Moreover, this event was not held one day only, but for two days (I guess? I forgot).

Because the participant came from all over Bali, I had the chances to meet new Deaf friends (again). It was amazing. 

When the event finished, the other day I just slept all day because I was so so tired. I felt my foot were sort of swollen and puffy. 

But, again and again, even if I was so tired and exhausted this event gave me so much more, that I feel I couldn't find anywhere else.

It's been a great day, a great year. Never thought I would be involved in any events I shared in this post. Hope there will be another story coming soon.


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