Hello, January.

January has just begun. But it's already going so fast. I had some things I wanted to do this year. But you know what? The to-do list or what-you-name-it list never work on me. It'll be just a list that I never look again after I made one. So, I will just write it in here, list down what I want to do in 2019. This post divided into two big part: words and linguistics. Well, begin the new year with a new writing post, why not?

First thing I wanted to do is to read more in terms to fill my head again. I realize how I missed reading some novel or poets. Like Danarto said, "society without poets; a society that hopeless for life (128)." Only with one sentence like that, I realized how words are so powerful so its moved and touched me. Reading those words makes me feel inspired and motivated. Even though from being inspired and motivated, I will be just doing something little, but that doesn't all the matter. The matter is I DO something.

"The night is warm and endless, and in the sky, the outline of the moon has begun to appear." 
Rain-Chudori, Imaginary City, 107

It started to show up; words will lead me into something. I don't know what, but I will keep believing in them as I started believing in myself. So that being said, I will try to write more without worrying too much about the content or the structure, or whatever it is. I will just write, and that's all. I was (or still am) so hard on myself that ended up, unconsciously and unintentionally, limit and restrict myself from being productive.

Besides words, I also interested in linguistics. Just because, like those words which moved and touched me, linguistics could also do something bigger other than just talking about Subject-Verbs-Object. 

Linguistics, for a simple explanation, is the study of language or, as many linguists say, it is a scientific study of language. 

With my interests in linguistics, I have kind of a "mission" that is: to make one or some impactful work (for my surroundings), but also I want to give a different (or if it's not "new") point of view about linguistics. 

Right now I have committed to finishing my thesis that talk about the structure of written language produces by Deaf people. I wish this research will bring (at least) some awareness to the existence of Deaf community and other related things about them, such as Sign Language.

I also want to commit to at least write one linguistic-related article once a month; whether it'll be posted here or in another kind of platform. 

Well, you need some purpose in your life, right? So you won't be just live life as it is. But it doesn't mean I'll force myself to complete all the mission. I know, maybe it's a little bit confusing, but life has to be balanced.

This is the first post in January. I hope this will be a good beginning for me to continue and keep what I'm doing now until the mission is complete (well, it'll never be complete, unless I'm dead).  


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